Employment Rates
UK Employment hits a record high again according to the Office for National Statistics with a 76.5% employment figure so do you stay ahead when you recruit?
Psychometric Testing.
Recruitment is a time consuming, costly necessity for every company. With the industry constantly changing, you have to keep up with the times.
Valentine's Day Rose
You wouldn't tell your partner that you love them just once a year on Valentine's Day so why aren't you telling your employees more?
The Perfect Someone
The Applicant Tracking Software you need to help smooth the transition into the lasting relationship between your company and that perfect someone.
Recruit greener.
Many organisations are using outdated recruitment processes and by updating your HR carbon footprint you could also reduce the time and money to recruit.
Flexible working
Flexible working is the main concern for candidates in 2020 with more and more employers offering the benefit year on year but what are the benefits?
Patisserie Valerie have shown how a happy workplace is a productive workplace Last time out we […]
Recruitment presents a whole raft of problems for large organisations, Recruitive looks at these problems and […]
Christmas Tips
Getting busy as Christmas approaches? Here are Recruitive’s top 8 tips for recruiting temporary workers. What […]
Getting the right person for the job is not just about choosing the one with the […]