It is safe to say this year is very different from the last. Quite frankly, we thought we would not be attending any events at all this year.
And yes, although they may now be virtual, it still feels good to get back out there again.
It feels almost as if a sense normality has returned, even though our first virtual event was nothing of the sort.
I think all would agree there are positives and negatives to this kind of event.
The fact we can do it from our couch is a main benefactor, the fact your knickers may be in the background, not so much.
It was a new experience for everyone. No one knew what to expect. Not the attendees, the exhibitors, not even the event planners.
And it is understandable. Conducting webinars and podcasts are one thing.

The Recruitive stand at the IHR Live Virtual Event.
Trying to virtually mirror a whole face to face exhibition is another.
This was a completely new take on what we were used to.
But it was something which was possibly around the corner regardless of this year’s events.
And because it was new, most were out of their comfort zone, but it felt good to be in the same boat as everyone.
Joining late to the IHR Live event meant we had even less time than others to prepare.
All areas of the Recruitive Sales and Marketing team had to get involved to do their bit.
From generating the ideas, deciding the collateral, to writing the scripts, everything was a team effort to ensure our attendance was viable.
And we did not do too bad.
Yes, it was not quite perfect, and there were technical difficulties along the way, but in the grand scheme of things, the day did not go too bad.
But what we would say we missed above all, is that human interaction.
Speaking through a chat function simply does not compare to a real-life conversation.
Even if that conversation does consist of Sunday football chat.
At one point, we did find ourselves unintentionally watching a presentation about napping, but it happened to be one of the most engaging presentations of them all.
Maybe it is just because we like the idea of getting some extra sleep.
But the question is, would we do it again? Yes.
Our normal events are not coming around anytime soon, so virtual will have to do for now.
But we cannot wait to see your faces in person again when they do.
If you would like to find out what other events we are virtually at this year, visit our event page here.
And if you missed us at the IHR Live, take a look at our event video below.
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