Key Considerations and How Technology Can Help For The Retail Sector

Recruiting in the Retail Sector: Key Considerations and How Technology Can Help


While many HR and recruitment practices apply universally across industries, recruiting in the retail sector presents its own unique set of challenges and opportunities. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the key factors that are particularly relevant for retail recruitment and how modern technology can help streamline the process.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Local Hiring
  • Seasonal Hiring
  • Diverse Job Roles
  • Onboarding for Stores, Branches, and Concessions


Local Hiring

In retail, many jobs require employees to be physically present, whether in stores, branches, or close to distribution centres and warehouses. While some roles may allow for remote or hybrid work, the majority of positions are location-based. So, how can technology support local hiring efforts?

Google for Jobs

Google for Jobs is a growing player in the job search space. By ensuring that job postings on your company’s careers page are optimised for search engines, you increase the likelihood of your listings appearing in searches like “Retail Jobs near me” or “Retail Jobs in London.” This can help make your vacancies more visible to local candidates.

Google Maps Integration

Some Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) can integrate with Google Maps to help assess the distance between a candidate’s home and their potential workplace. This can help both employers and candidates better understand commuting requirements.

Specialist Job Boards

Retailers can use various job boards to advertise open positions, especially industry-specific ones that attract a targeted audience. With job multi-posting software, you can distribute your listings across several platforms in just one click, making it easier to reach candidates in specific locations.

Talent Pools with Local Focus

Modern ATS solutions often allow you to create and maintain talent pools based on various criteria, including location. By creating a talent pool of candidates within a certain proximity to your stores or warehouses, you can easily source local candidates when new roles become available.


Retail Sector Seasonal Hiring

Retailers often face spikes in recruitment during certain times of the year, such as during holiday seasons or sales events like Black Friday. To handle these fluctuations effectively, seasonal hiring campaigns need careful planning. Here’s how technology can help:

Timing the Campaign

It’s important to start recruiting at the right time to ensure new hires are in place when you need them. Your careers website can be a valuable tool here—consider creating a landing page specifically for seasonal roles that goes live during your hiring campaign. You can also have a year-round section to let candidates know about upcoming opportunities, encouraging them to register their interest in advance.

Applying for Multiple Jobs

Many candidates may be suited for more than one open position. With the right technology, candidates can apply for multiple roles without needing to re-enter their information each time. An ATS with a candidate portal allows applicants to track their submissions and apply to other roles effortlessly.

Talent Pools for Re-Hiring

Talent pools aren’t just useful for local hiring—they can also be a great resource for seasonal hiring. For example, students who are only available during the summer or holidays could be added to a talent pool and re-engaged when seasonal roles open up again.


Diverse Job Roles

When thinking of retail, it’s easy to picture roles like sales associates or store managers, but the sector is much broader. Retailers also need to hire for head office roles, warehouse staff, drivers, maintenance workers, and more. Recruitment technology can help ensure the right processes are in place for each role.

Tailored Application Forms

Different roles require different types of information. While some fields like name, email, and phone number will be standard across all applications, you might need additional questions for certain jobs. Modern ATS systems allow for customisable application forms that can be tailored to specific roles, ensuring you collect all the necessary information upfront.

Staged Application Forms

Another benefit of technology is the ability to collect information in stages. For example, initial applications might just gather basic details, while follow-up forms can request more specific data like certifications, qualifications, or licences as needed.


Onboarding for Stores, Branches, and Concessions

Once the right candidates are hired, the next critical step is onboarding. Retail onboarding can vary significantly depending on the location or type of store. For example, the process for onboarding staff in a standalone store might differ from that of a concession stand inside a larger department store.

Customised Onboarding Packs

Many recruitment and onboarding solutions allow you to create multiple onboarding packs tailored to different roles, locations, or branches. This ensures that each new hire gets the relevant documents and training materials they need to succeed in their specific role.

Onboarding Checklists

A comprehensive onboarding checklist could include:

  • Reference checks
  • Electronic signatures for contractual documentation
  • Issuing policies and procedures (e.g., employee handbooks)
  • Right-to-work and background checks
  • Induction videos or training modules
  • Collecting additional information like emergency contacts and bank details

Engaging the Retail Sector Candidates

It’s essential to keep candidates engaged between the time they accept the offer and their first day on the job. A good ATS can provide an interactive candidate portal where new hires can access onboarding materials, watch welcome videos, and stay informed about what to expect on their first day.


Recruitment in the retail sector brings unique challenges, from local and seasonal hiring to the need for diverse job roles and tailored onboarding processes. With the right technology, you can simplify and enhance every stage of the recruitment journey, ensuring you attract, hire, and retain the best talent. Whether you’re ramping up for holiday sales or filling year-round positions, modern ATS and onboarding solutions can help you stay competitive in the ever-evolving retail landscape.


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