Recruitment is a time consuming, costly necessity for every company. With the industry constantly changing, you have to keep up with the times, or it will make it even harder to find the right candidates. Psychometric testing is one way to do this.
At Recruitive we are continuously enhancing our recruitment solutions to provide our clients with the ability to be ahead of the industry, that’s why we recently announced our partnership with psychometric specialist eTalent.
This partnership will give Recruitive the ability to provide clients with the tools to further streamline their recruitment processes by personality and behavioural profiling candidates.
But what are psychometric tests? And what are the benefits of using them? We’re glad you asked.
What Are Psychometric Tests and How Are They Used in Recruitment?
A psychometric test is made to evaluate a candidate’s suitability by analysing their psychological thinking through their attitude, personality and behaviour from the completion of an assessment. This tool is used by employers to measure a candidate test results against the desired skill sets and traits wanted for the job role they’re employing for.
Applicants start by applying via your own dedicated, branded company portal. With unlimited use, all candidates are tested to make sure they have the right personality and behaviour. After analysing it compares candidates by ranking them based on their results in an ordered Red/Amber/Green list and the candidates that don’t meet your minimum requirements filtered out. An auto-email function can then make it easy to reject or select the candidates you want to review further.
What Are the Benefits of Using Psychometric Tests?
Don’t Rely Solely on A CV And Interview
Interviews are used and loved by the majority of employers and rightly so because the traditional methods work. But by using psychometric tests you’re not relying solely on a CV and interview to get to know a candidate. They may seem perfect initially, but three months down the line they end up being completely different to what you had expected.
Why? Because a 30-minute interview isn’t physically enough time to get to know someone fully. The prepared candidates will have well-rehearsed answers for most the questions they know they’re going to be asked and the intimidating environment means some candidates may not be able to reflect their full potential. A candidate also rightly puts the best version of themselves on their CV, the version they think you want to see. Instead, psychometric tests help you see a candidate’s true future potential over poor predicting criteria like age or education.

Image Source – eTalent
Increase Staff Retention & Protect Brand Identity
Because you’re no longer relying solely on a CV and an interview alone, you improve your staff retention and staff retention shows a lot about your company and its processes.
Psychometric testing will allow you to take more control over who you’re employing, and long term protect your brand identity. At the end of the day, your employees are representing YOU so choose wisely.
Focus Less on Likeability
Employers are naturally drawn to people they like or have a connection with. Although important, it doesn’t mean they are the right candidate for the job. A psychometric test can dive deeper into their way of thinking and the values that they share with your company allowing you to see if they match up with the job role they’re applying for.
Analyses the Data
You’ve collected a substantial amount of information so now you need to spend time analysing it, but the challenge is how do you decide who to hire? The results from a psychometric test will be analysed and ranked for you so you can easily compare candidates instead of sifting through interview notes, CV’s and application forms.
Save Time and Money
‘Adding to our processes is going to take more time and money.’ Wrong. These tests could actually save you time and money. You’re spending less time doing pointless interviews and less time reviewing each of the candidate’s data, therefore, saving money.
Shows Commitment
No one likes to be tested at the best of times but using psychometric tests shows a candidate’s commitment to apply and filters out those who aren’t fully invested in working for you.
They’re Tailored to Your Business Needs
You can create a psychometric test that’s designed specifically to suit your business needs by helping you get the answers you require.
You also have the option to use them at various times during the application process. Using them at the start could save you time by only taking the suitable candidates to the interview stage but using them at the end could confirm you have chosen the right candidate before you sign that binding contract.
If you’re interested in updating your recruitment processes, contact us today.
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